Pressure on the World’s freshwater resources is greater than ever before—with population growth, rising water consumption, extreme weather events and aging infrastructure all intensifying the strain on potable water availability, quality and distribution systems.
NJSEI works with worldwide clients to ensure the effective management, performance and integrity of water supply and distribution systems. Through a holistic approach to water management, NJSEI water engineering consultants help clients maximize efficient use and reuse of water while protecting water resources and the natural environment to support a sustainable and water secure future for all.

• NJSEI capabilities cover all aspects of engineering i.e., civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, process and automation, enabling to oversee water infrastructure projects from concept to completion and later support the O/M stage.
• Projects may include early stages of feasibility, planning and asset management, right through to designing, construction management, pre & post commissioning with operations support.
• Our water engineers have hands-on experience with pre-treatment and membrane technologies, gained through involvement in desalination projects of all sizes, as well as bio-solids management and treatment technologies.
• We advise private, governments and associated authorities on the policies for the regulation and protection of water resources, offering a wide range of services necessary to assist in the development of their capacities.
• We also apply our experience and multidisciplinary expertise to plan and design efficient, resilient water supply and distribution networks including reservoirs, pumping and pressure-boosting stations and water-main networks.
• We work collaboratively with water utilities to optimize use of existing assets and deliver safe, least cost and innovative capital works programs.
• We are specializes in wet utility infrastructure improvements. We provide quality consulting solutions for the installation and rehabilitation services of all wet utilities assets, including transmission & distribution pipe lines, valves, lift stations, pump stations, and WTP in civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, process and automation works
• We calculate the investment and operation and maintenance costs that the private sector must incur through the PPP contract.
• Our multidisciplinary team works to develop and implement integrated latest digital water solutions, GIS, SCADA, IoT & Automation, at the project/city or regional level, by adopting innovative technologies for the sustainable management of water systems.