The continuous influx of inhabitants into cities and other centers of population has not only imposed upon concerned authorities the huge task of meeting water supply demands, but also the need to provide effective and economical systems for the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater
NJSEI is a leader in the provision of services for all facets of wastewater management. We offer unequalled expertise to clients in the provision of new wastewater systems, expansion/ upgrading/ rehabilitation of existing systems, and the advisory services in operation and management of those systems
• NJSEI has a significant track record of wastewater network modelling and has established dedicated teams of multidisciplinary experts. We have automated many of our processes to ensure efficient outputs and we utilize our internal project and program management systems to ensure key milestones are achieved.
• NJSEI capabilities cover all aspects of wastewater engineering i.e., civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, process and automation, enabling to oversee wastewater infrastructure projects from concept to completion & later support the O/M stage.
• We provide technical leadership & advisory solutions for the projects on the pollution abatement of rivers and lakes to improve the water quality in the effected water resources by augmenting sewage collection systems and sewage treatment facilities. It also includes taking other measures required for the pollution abatement and thereby improving the sanitation and living conditions of people who reside in urban area and in the watershed of the downstream area
• We provide advisory services and engineering solutions that assist our clients with regulatory standards compliance, the protection and enhancement of their environments and the promotion of sustainable development for the future.
• We provide highly qualified process, engineering design and support services for industrial wastewater and water reuse treatment in various industries.
• We are specializes in wet utility infrastructure improvements. We provide quality consulting solutions for the installation and rehabilitation services of all wet utilities assets, including sewer lines, manholes, valves, lift stations, pump stations, and STP’s in civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, process and automation works
• We have a wide client base covering industrial wastewaters, and with our thorough understanding of environmental regulations allow us to tailor treatment requirements to match, where possible, receiving waters background levels.
• We calculate the investment and o/m costs that the private sector must incur through the PPP contract.
• Our multidisciplinary team works to develop and implement integrated latest digital wastewater solutions, GIS, SCADA, IoT & Automation, at the project/city or regional level, by adopting innovative technologies for the sustainable management of wastewater systems.