Commissioning of Cauvery Stage V Project (775 MLD Water Treatment Plant)
JICA assisted Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Project (Phase III) implemented by Bangalore water Supply & Sewerage Board
• BWSSB is mandated to cater for water supply facilities to the core area and CMC/TMC areas. It was then decided to include the 110 villages within the Bengaluru Metropolitan Area.
• For the Bangalore Metropolitan Area, a total of 2200 MLD water supply was required to cater to the core area, CMC / TMC and 110 villages. However the water supply facilities available was only for 1450 MLD (i.e from Stage I, II, III, IV- Phase-1 & IV – Phase 2).
• In 2014 the Government of Karnataka initiated the plan for providing water supply to the 110 villages area. It was conceptualized to augment the water supply facilities of Bangalore by 775 MLD to provide good quality drinking water supply to more than 50 lakhs residents in the BBMP area (110 villages and ULB area).
• Accordingly the approval for additional 10 TMC allocation of water for Bangalore was obtained in year 2015.
• The sanctioned project cost for the water supply component is INR 4336 Crores and is implemented with the financial assistance of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), with JICA providing 84% of funding assistance and rest 16% is provided by Government of Karnataka and BWSSB. The Loan Agreement for the project was signed by GOK with JICA in Jan’2018.
• The project features the State of the Art Water Treatment Facility of 775 MLD at TK Halli which is one of the biggest WTP in India. It also include’s three stage Booster Pumping Stations at (TK Halli, Harohalli and Tataguni) to transfer the water through a 3000 mm diameter Steel Pipeline for a distance of 70km with 450 mtrs of head for the treated water to reach Bengaluru City.
• The pipeline bifurcates near Vajarahalli to the eastern and western wings of the city through steel trunk mains and feeds water to city reservoirs at Gottigere, Doddakanahalli, Lingaderanahalli, Singapura, SMV 6th Block, Kadugodi & Chockanahalli.
• The works for the project commenced in Mar’2020.The work execution however was affected due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, which delayed the implementation of the project for almost a year.
• The project involved lot of challenges, however the work was done with best engineering technologies and industrial practices.
• The projects pre-commissioning activities commenced from June’2024 onwards and meticulous planning and execution enabled us to provide good quality treated water to the citizens of Bengaluru.
• The Project was inaugurated on 16th Oct’2024 by Honbl’e Chief Minister & Dy. Chief Minister of Karnataka along with dignitaries from Japan including Honbl’e Economic Minister, Embassy of Japan in India, Honbl’e Consul General of Japan in Bangalore and Chief Representative of JICA India
• NJSEI is proudly associated with this project as the Key JV Partner of the PMC team of JICA assisted Stage V project. It’s a flagship project for NJSEI.