IWIS Pre Proceeding Final lowres
Since the 4th IWIS in 2019 the focus has been on exploring ways and means of integrating science and policy for Integrated Water Resource Management, to assess and prepare for major water impacts in urban and rural areas of India, and developing new and innovative financing mechanisms through the Water Finance Forum initiated in IWIS-2017. The ideas and suggestions that emerged from these four Summits led to seek comprehensive means to integrate river conservation into India’s developmental path in the 5th IWIS (IWIS-2020) from the perspective of Arth Ganga, an ancient Indian concept. IWIS-2020 also intensified efforts to financially strengthen water management and river conservation in India through synergy between planners, executors, financiers, investors and regulatory bodies.
A more focused assessment was attempted in the 6th IWIS (IWIS-2021) to evaluate the different types of river resources, their usefulness for ecosystem services for human benefit, and the adverse effects of over-extraction and misuse of these resources on the ecosystem services. This exploration was aimed to chalk out feasible pathways for sustainable river resource planning and management over the long term to meet the concerns of diverse stakeholders and to aid planners, policymakers and financiers.